Bugfixing, refactoring and improving xplsv.tv

We did a quick visit to NetAudio London on Friday; it was also the first time I went to Angel, and it's way posher than I thought (I was kind of expecting a devastated party area with lots of alternative artists and Bansky-was-here or Mind-you-this-is-not-a-Bansky everywhere, like Old Street).

And after that and some well-deserved eight hours of sleep, came an intensive week-end with xplsv.tv - but we are still not finished with it. I thought we were going to advance more but I was wrong. So far, most of the work I've done is focused on the motion management. Apart from refactoring lots of code, I have fixed a couple of little bugs, some serious ones, and also added some little enhacements which I believe every artist in xplsv.tv will love when we move these changes to the live server, as they increase the usability of the motion management area.

It's been really delicious to replace all the "rude error messages with an exclamation mark at the end" with something a bit more human and nicer. By the way, I still don't understand why did I enter all the messages like that, and I don't understand either why most of the non-english native speakers tend to write errors messages in that very manner. To my disgust, I have noticed it repeatedly these last months; maybe it has to do with the fact that (luckily) my english level has improved (or that I think). Some examples:

  • You must enter the title of the motion! becomes Please enter a title for the motion
  • You must be the creator of the work! becomes Please confirm you're allowed to publish the motion here
Obviously if you're an artist in xplsv.tv and have any suggestion, you're more than welcome. (I could put funnier messages, like Hey dude, do not forget the title! but I am trying to be serious :D ).

I also experienced one of the joys of refactoring: things work better with less lines of code. I love that.